- 06 250 771 45
- leonie@thedreamcompany.nl
- Ma - Vr: 09:00 - 18:00
Gentle Sleep Coach Natasha

Gentle sleep coach (for expat families)
"As an expat I think it's important to support other expat families living away from their support system."
I am Natasha Correia-de Abreu, I am from South Africa where I qualified as a physiotherapist in 2018. I moved to the Netherlands in 2020, a couple months later I found out I was pregnant with our first child the same weekend the world went into lockdown for the covid pandemic. It become a very overwhelming time living away from family support, pregnancy, birth and living through a pandemic all in a new country.
As a physiotherapist I enjoyed having a positive impact on people’s lives. Even though I am currently not able to practice as a physiotherapist I have found a new path to reach the same goal. After having my son and our own sleepless nights I researched all there was about baby sleep which is when I found Gentle Sleep Coaching. I was impressed by the difference in my son’s (and our) sleep and I wanted to share the experience with others.
As an expat I think it so important to support other expat families living away from their support system. These two factors influenced my decision to be a sleep coach for expat families.